We will make every effort to improve the conditions of arrival, stay and departure of international students at UCL. Facilitate the social and academic integration of students in the Belgian student community.

The participation of international students in the decisions that concern them, within the UCL as well as the bodies that conform higher education in the French-speaking Belgian Community, is one of our main missions as a defense association. rights and interests of international students.

To fulfill this mission we must strengthen links with all the organizations concerned by the issue at UCL and elsewhere, including the AGL, the kots-to-project, the faculties, among others.


 We must also foster contacts with associations and external actors involved in student policy such as the FEF, UNECOF, etc.


UCLouvain  has adopted a pedagogy aiming at the harmonization of the actions leading to the development of the success, the continuous training, the professional insertion, the evaluation of the programs and their contents and the pedagogic formation of its professors. All this, as part of a synergy between the academic training process offered by the University and the students themselves, which will allow them to evolve together.  


With regard to international students and their relationship to quality and academic excellence, CGEI is committed to taking all the necessary and relevant measures to help international students succeed in their studies, to enable them to access the market. as jobseekers in their home country or abroad.


The CGEI, as an organization dedicated to defending the rights of international students, condemns all forms of discrimination on the basis of social, economic, ideological, religious, political, racial, nationality, gender or sexual orientation.   


The CGEI enthusiastically welcomes and supports any institutional initiative, student or citizen that would fight against any form of exclusion or impediment to access to education for international students.


Devenir membre


  • Es-tu étudiant.e international.e? 

  • Seras-tu à l’UCL au moins 2 ans?

  • As -tu de la sensibilité sociale et politique?  

  • As -tu des projets que tu veux mettre en œuvre? 

  • Veux-tu connaître d'autres étudiants de plus de 120 pays?





  • Es-tu étudiant.e international.e?


  • Seras-tu à l’UCL au moins 2 ans?


  • Astu de la sensibilité sociale et politique?


  • As-tu des projets que tu veux mettre en œuvre?


  • Veux-tu connaître d'autres étudiants de plus de 120 pays?


Check here our activity report...



Our missions

The CGEI (International Students Council) is the group that represents and defends the rights of all UCL international students to the authorities.






• Are you an international student?


• Will you be at UCL for at least 2 years?


• Astu of social and political sensitivity?


• Do you have projects that you want to implement?


• Do you want to meet other students from more than 120 countries?

Become a member

How we work

The CGEI operates through a committee formed after the university elections in March. International students who want it, can stand for election to defend and represent all international students at UCL.



The missions of the committee are:​

​To elaborate for the academic year a program of actions as well as the activities to be developed to reach the objectives of the program.

Monitor and implement the established program of activities and report to the Board of Directors during the year​

​Write the annual activity report of the association

Establish the annual global budget as well as the budgets of the various activities for presentation to the board of directors and approval by the General Assembly​

​Appoint the delegates of the non-profit association to the various external commissions where the association must be represented